So here's a collection of most useful blog add-ons and tools which can enhance your visitors' experience. I'll be listing out each and every tool here with the appropriate links. so that you can click on the link, go to the page and easily integrate the tools to your website or blog. Some add-on needs instructions so I have created a dummy blog and linked all the instructions to it. Most of the widgets listed below supports all the blogging platforms. For all this you don't need to be a geek to use them on your site. So here we go ..

Top 50+ Blog Add-ons and Tools :
1. Random Post as Slide show -
This widget helps you to display all your post as random slides on your sidebar. It can help the visitors to look into the older post and at the same time it can increase your page views.
2. Tag Cloud Widget -
Tags are a great way to bubble up useful nuggets of information. They tend to expose the true essence of a blog’s content in a short and concise fashion. So Tag Cloud widget from Wowzio is one of the Best around the web.
3. Digg Icon on the Side of the post -
Digg is a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web. So accessing it easy must be essential for every visitor to share the news on digg. This tutorial shows you how to place the Digg Icon on the side of the post.
4. ReTweet icon on the side of the post -
When you come across an interesting tweet and you want to publish it as your own tweet - so that people who follow you can see it too - you retweet it. Again for the easy access this tutorial helps you to place the Retweet icon on the side of the post.
5. Paypal button -
Adding a Paypal donation button to your blog will give your loyal readers a chance to support(encourage) you by donating a few bucks. This post helps you to create a Paypal account and directs you how to place the Paypal widget on your blog.
6. Alexa widget -
Place interactive always-updated Alexa widgets on your site. These handy little widgets require virtually no programming skills. Just copy the html and put it on your site. One of the best way to Boost up your Alexa ranking.
7. Addthis Bookmarking widget -
AddThis Bookmarking is a tool that allows people to bookmark content they enjoy. In simple, It helps your visitors' to promote you.
8. 125x125 Ad spots -
All the people who don't have adsense optimized templates don't get dejected.Here is a 125x125 simple Ad widget which makes you add these ad spots in your blog without any changes in your template code(html).
9. Sitemeter -
Site Meter is a real time website tracking and gives you instant access to vital information and data about your sites audience. You can have detailed reporting of who is visiting your site, how they found you, where they came from, what interests them and much more.
10. Hitstats -
Hitstats provides you with real time stats and online user count. Stats for every page, You can track stats of your photo section or the article section. Such statistics enable you concentrate development to the most visited pages on your site! Detailed information about visitors language, OS, Screensize, Internet provider,DSL, Speed, etc. Search engine trends and Advanced functions like ROI and visitors conversion also provided.
11. Mybloglog widget -
MyBlogLog is a social network for the blogger community and you can interact and find out the taste of different bloggers. MyBloglog widget helps you to track the visitors' and Get connected with them.
12. Twitter Activity -
Here's a neat way to let visitors to your blog or profile page on the web know what you're up to at the moment: Display your latest tweets there with a customized widget. For Wordpress users You need to look here.
13. Custom Search bar from Google -
With Google Custom Search, you can harness the power of Google to create a customized search experience for your own website.
14. Link Blog with Love -
This widget helps you to spread your blog's link with love. If the visitors are interested to add your blog to their page, they can use this Link love box widget. Perfect Tutorial given with demo.
15. Google Feedburner RSS -
Google Feedburner rss allows weblog owners and podcasters the ability to manage their RSS feeds and track usage of their subscribers.
16. Live traffic Feedjit -
Feedjit's live traffic feed shows statistics on your website in real-time. It shows which city and country your visitors are in, which website they arrived from, if any. from which page they visited on your website and which external link they clicked to leave your site, if any.
17. Live traffic Wowzio -
This widget also shows statistics on your website same like Feedjit but in addition to it has a beautiful advantage - If your visitor arrives from Search engine index, you can check the keyword used by the visitor which made them to arrive to your website.
18. Google translate -
This lets your non-English speaking visitors translate articles from your website in their native language using Google Translation.
19. Updates via Email -
This is actually part of Feedburner Feature. Feedburner allows you to send your updates to your readers who have subscribed through Email service.
20. Share this widget -
ShareThis is a free one-step sharing tool that saves you time and you can share anything on the web to your choice of social bookmarking options, post-to-profile and blog choices, Email, AIM, or even as a text message to a mobile phone.
21. Updates via SMS -
Send your Updates to your Readers via SMS. Create your own SMS-based communities from Google Labs.
22. Yahoo ping me -
Add a Pingbox to your social network profile, blog, or website, and chat with your visitors when you are signed into Yahoo! Messenger!
23. Google talk badge -
This badge will enable site visitors to get in touch with you quickly. They won’t need a Google account and the badge is enabled only when you are online.
24. Social Bookmarking Icons below the post -
It lets you to place the social bookmarking icons below the post. Detailed tutorial is given how to place the widget below the post.
25. Save Page as PDF -
People can download your articles as PDF files with a click. The PDFs are free of any advertising and you also get full access to stats so you know what articles downloaded most, etc.
26. Change Text Size -
You can now change the Text size on your blog. Increase and decrease the text size using this widget. It helps visitors much more.
27. Twitter Stamp -
TwitStamp allows you to use your current Twitter status anywhere - in the form of an image. This means you can post your status on blogs, forums, websites..wherever you want!
28. Google Friend Connect -
Google Connect instantly awakens and strengthens the community that visits your site by enriching it with social features. You can build your own community, Increase engagement and No programming required.
29. Related post widget with thumbnails -
LinkWithin is a blog widget that appears under each post, linking to related stories from your blog archive. Main feature is the related post displayed with photo thumbnail.
30. Zoho Creator -
If you ever need to create web forms for your blog, use Zoho Creator. It lets you customize the form layouts, there are no data limits and best of all, readers can upload file attachments while submitting the form.
31. HP Blog Printing -
This makes your blog printer friendly. Visitors can pick blog posts that they want to print and only the text + images get printed. Everything else including banners, sidebars, etc. are cut off from the printed version.
32. Outbrain Ratings -
The is the best way to add ratings to your blog posts. Outbrain offers two extra advantages as well - your readers can find more stories related to the one they are currently reading and two, they can rate stories even from feed readers.
33. Skribit -
This is again a great tool to get feedback and opinions from your site visitors.
34. who.amung.us -
This helps you and your readers know how many people are currently on the site and what pages are they reading. No sign-up required and amung.us will even tell you the exact location of different visitors on a map.
35. Eco Safe Badge -
This badge allows website visitors to send a full copy of your web page to any email address in HTML or PDF format. Alternatively, they can download a PDF version of the page in a click. The whole idea is to discourage visitors from printing web pages.
36. Meebo Rooms -
This allows visitors on your website to interact with each other inside a chat room. Other options worth exploring include Google Lively but again, Lively requires installation at the client’s end.
37. Scribd iPaper -
If you frequently link to PDF files and Microsoft Office documents like doc or xls, the Scribd iPaper add-on will make sure that your content remains accessible even to readers who don’t have Microsoft Office or Adobe Reader.
38. Yahoo media player -
If you have an audio blog or frequently link to MP3 files, integrate the Yahoo! media players in your blog template - this auto-detects any MP3 links and creates an embedded player so you are saved from all the hard work.
39. Flickr badge -
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos and videos from your own photostream. Make your own badge right now.
40. Live Preview of Links -
Snap Shots makes it easier for site owners to empower their readers with enhanced hyperlinks that display previews, text summaries, videos, stock charts, MP3s, product info, and much, much more. Just roll your cursor and Enjoy the live Preview.
41. Weather widget -
Display the weather for your city, from a list of tens of thousands of cities.
42. Display Clock -
ClockLink provides online clocks made from FLASH, that can be easily pasted onto a web page or blog simply by copying and pasting the HTML tag.
43. Digg Widget -
This widget creates a list of posts from your own blog that are currently getting votes on Digg. Put it in your sidebar to highlight "recently popular" content.
44. Search Wikipedia -
This widget lets you to search links into Wikipedia and only Wikipedia.
45. Pagerank widget -
This tool helps you to post your blog or website's pagerank without any tool bar.
46. Delicious tag meter -
With this badge, it's easy to show both tags and number of saves, so it's easy to show visitors how interesting you are on De.li.ci.ous.
47. Poll daddy -
Start creating polls and place them on your website in minutes.
48. Google Feed Wizard -
This is useful if you have to embed RSS feeds in your blog - you can create blocks in either horizontal or vertical format. If your need options other than AJAX, try these RSS widgets or the static Google Gadgets.
49. Wibiya Toolbar -
Wibiya enables blogs to integrate the most exciting services, applications and widgets of their choice into their blog through customized web-based toolbars. You can see the demo of this toolbar on this blog at bottom.
50. Online profile card -
Retaggr is unifying your online profiles. Bring all your profiles on all your services into one place, so the world can find out who you are, and connect with you.
51. Wakoopa -
Wakoopa allows you to share your software usage and your opinions about software. Just put a widget on your own site, blog or forum.
52. Twitter Badge -
Get your own custom Twitter Badge with your latest status update and beautiful backgrounds.
53. YouTube Sidebar Widget -
Display your Uploaded Youtube videos on your Blog sidebar.
54. Skype offline online button -
Skype buttons can be used on your website, blog or even in your email signature to let other people contact you easily.You can choose from the simple options below, or customise the colours, functions and styles.
55. Popular post widget -
Popular Posts widget for Blogger blogs which displays a list of the ten most commented posts on your blog from BloggerBusters.
56. Google Multiple RSS reader -
Multiple RSS Reader for your Google Personalized Homepage. Enter your Feeds with a | delimeter and see a TAB for each Feed.
57. Day calendar -
Best Day Calendar for blogs.
If I had left any widget or tools, please feel free to use the comments section.
Happy Blogging ((-: